Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A beautiful time in a beautiful place!

We just spent a wonderful weekend in Myrtleford in country Victoria with our friends Kerrylee and Domenic and their beautiful family - along with our other friend Karen and her gorgeous family. What a relaxing and fun time we had!! Kerrylee and Karen and I all worked together at Maranatha around the same time before we all went off and had babies. Recently KL (as we call her...) and Dom bought the property across the road from his parents place. Its a beautifully renovated farm house situated on 20 acres of land which is worked as a blueberry farm. It sits at the base of Mt Buffalo and is a gorgeous place to spend a long weekend! The kids were on the motorbike, on the trampoline, playing down by the Ovens River, we went to Lake Buffalo and had great chats and fun catching mice during the night! More than anything, I enjoyed spending time with good friends and seeing how good God has been to all of us. We've all still had our stormy patches in life, but as a whole, we are so blessed! I hope that there will be many more weekends in Myrtleford spent with our dear friends and also in quality time with our own kids. You can't buy memories like that. Thanks for an awesome time girls..can't wait to do it again!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day One of the blogging journey...

So it occurred to me that I enjoy reading other people's stories and I observed that people I don't even know have influenced me and the decisions that I make, just by reading their stories online. One such person is a lady name 'Dee' that attended our church briefly in the last couple of years and was actually a friend of a friend if you know what I mean. She passed away from cancer shortly before Christmas and although I had only smiled at her or said hello once or twice because she was sitting behind me in church, reading her blog showed me what a strong woman she was and how her life really touched so many people. I am a person who has come this far only by the grace of almighty God and so I figured that perhaps if I shared my story, I too may influence other people in some way and point them to the one that sustains me each and every day.

Blogging is also a great way to keep a daily, (or at least a regular) diary on what my kids are doing and what we're doing as a family. My kids are so funny and I find that I want to share the hilarious things they say and do, and I always forget to write it in a book or something. Maybe writing this will keep me more accountable!!

Samuel is our eldest son and he is 7 years old right now. He knows everything. I'm just telling you that because its true....well at least he thinks so and certainly acts so! The other day my younger son Ethan was crying in frustration over something he was trying to do and I said "Stop crying and bring it here to me so that I can help you with it." and a second later I hear Samuel say in an authorative voice not unlike my own.... "NO, bring it HERE, and I will help you with it!" I'm afraid that didn't go down too well with me! I soon reminded him who the Mummy is and that he kindly needs to remember that!! You gotta laugh though.

Ethan has just turned 5 years old and he is our social "Mr Popularity" wherever he goes. He talks to anyone about whatever is going on in his head. Today it was the plumber as he installed our dishwasher. And he talks about his brothers and his little life as if whoever he's talking to knows Samuel and Ryan and everything else about Ethan's life. At kinder, I'm often hearing in the foyer when I'm picking him up, "oh so THIS is Ethan".... Not sure exactly what that means, but he's had 5 birthday invitations in the last month so I guess he's well-liked!! We recently held his birthday party and my goodness...it was difficult to narrow down his guest list! He has at least 2 or 3 little friends who are girls who are convinced they will marry him. One little girl from his kinder held his hand throughout nearly the whole party and when her mum called to RSVP, she apologised for doing it a little late as she'd lost the invitation...it was under her little girl's pillow!!! She was so excited about Ethan's party. Ah, I'm going to have to watch that one.

Ryan is 2 years old and will be 3 in July. He is our charismatic people person. He has red curly hair and bright blue eyes and is so cheeky, its very hard to keep a straight face when telling him off.....and he knows it!! He's very clever and quick to work out what he can get away with and what 'cute' face he needs to put on to get what he wants. I think God knew this however and this is why I was appointed as his mother as I am no pushover thanks to my dear Mum's strict hand when I was growing up! His Nanny doesn't stand a chance! She's a pushover for all 3 of my kids, but I'm very grateful because she is the most awesome Mother in Law and Nanna I could ever ask for. The best thing about Ryan right now is that he loves to go out for coffee with me!! He's deeply into his babycinos and we have enjoyed several civilised outings to Gloria Jeans in recent weeks. So cute!

Well I'm not expecting anyone to actually read this epistle, but I know its good for me to blog and keep a record of our lives, if nothing else for my own records! In case I get alzheimers or something!

I'll finish by saying that I am an extremely well-blessed person. God has been so good to me in my life and although I have walked through some pretty traumatic times over the years, God's grace and provision for me has sustained me and empowered me to be the woman that He always intended me to be. I had a word from God last year at a women's conference that told me that I am "a trophy of God's Grace"... so true from my perspective. One doesn't go through the pain of training for and competing in a gruelling marathon without the hope of receiving the trophy or prize at the end to show for it. Then each time they look at that trophy, they remember the journey that won them that prize. If that's how God sees me, then I am truly grateful and will do my best to always live my life in a way that pleases Him and points others to know Him too.

Enough rambling for today...